Poetry Open Call 2024
The KCAW Poetry Corner has become a popular element of our programming. Through an annual Open Call for poets, successful submissions are displayed in venues across the Borough to complement the KCAW Public Art Trail. In collaboration with Kamitan Arts.
When + Where
17 Apr 2024, 17:30
Submit Your Poem
Please submit your poem below to be reviewed by our Poetry Corner Partnership organisation, Kamitan Arts.
Please note that poetry corner encourages submissions from all people who would like to test their skills at writing poetry - whether they are an aspiring poet, a child or an adult - all poems will be reviewed by our professional poets! Please make sure your poem links to our overarching theme Changing Landscapes and avoids politics, violence, racism, any politically incorrect references or cruelty. Our Poetry Corner aims to highlight positive human attributes and allows for all members of our society to take part.
Selected poems will be distributed across a number of local venues, printed in our Guide and added to our website. In addition, Kamitan Arts hopes to host one poetry circle where live reading will be encouraged.
Read the previous submissions here.