Full Throttle
The Foundry Gallery
Zone 8
Monday - Thursday 11-4pm
Saturday 12-4pm
Full Throttle by Charley Peters
Charley Peters grew up in Birmingham; a concrete metropolis lit by neon signs and street lamps that
glowed through air thick with car fumes. Peters creates imaginary interior landscapes where we are
asked to negotiate between what’s abstract and what’s real. The paintings reflect the graphically
complex world in which we live. Intuitive painting co-exists
The Foundry Gallery is uniquely positioned as both a commercial gallery and a project space.
Acting as a 'launch pad' we do not represent artists, but rather each year we select three artists to work collaboratively on a new body of work that explores the ethos of our founding principles. Not bound to a house style, we show artwork informed by contemporary artistic practice across multi-disciplines.