Listen closely to the story I’m about to tell you…

3: Kensington Church St
Feelium Gallery & Studios, 7 Kensington Mall, London W8 4EB, UK
Feelium is an art space focusing on emerging digital practices that combine spatialisation and virtual storytelling, fostering engagement with immersive technologies and art forms. Our June exhibition, curated by Nina Wong, features four artists in an encounter with worlding mythologies, exploring the anime aesthetic within a fine arts context. Feelium’s corridor will serve as a portal bridging the two gallery rooms’ fictional universe.
Private View: Friday 21st June | 6-9pm
Exhibition Open: Saturday 22nd - Sunday 30th June
Opening Hours: Wed - Sun 12pm-6pm
Closed Mon & Tue
Open Studios: Saturday 22nd June | 12pm - 5pm
Feelium is an art space located in West London. Opened in April 2023, Feelium is growing as an established platform for exhibitions, live events and workspaces for emerging artists and curators of all backgrounds. Focusing on emerging digital practices that combine spatialisation and virtual storytelling, Feelium fosters engagement with different immersive technologies and art forms.
Listen closely to the story I’m about to tell you…
Our June exhibition, curated by Nina Wong, features artists Vu Dieu Huong,
Tiyyah, Arthur King, Bart Seng Wen Long in an encounter with worlding mythologies, exploring the anime aesthetic within a fine arts context. Feelium’s corridor will serve as a portal bridging the two gallery rooms’ fictional universe.
We will also host an Open Studios day on Saturday the 22nd of June with artists Maria Gvardeitseva, Lera Kelemen, and curatorial collective ADH & London Cult.