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Instant Highway: 15-Min City

Instant Highway: 15-Min City
Vitrínka Gallery, Czech Centre

Zone 3

Vitrínka Gallery, Kensington Palace Gardens, London, UK



24 June 2023 12 noon

£20 (£15 Concessions)

Bringing together ideas from urbanist Dan Luscher’s ’15-Minute City’ and London-based architectural group Archigram’s ‘Instant Cities’, which reimagined urban possibilities in the form of portable kits, this half-day workshop will focus on the ‘Instant Highway’ as a means of imagining connectivities within a city in which all necessary infrastructure can be reached on foot within 15min. By responding to the immediate local environment and architecture of the Czech Embassy’s celebrated Brutalist style, participants will record, document and represent their surroundings through photography, collage and drawing to create a collaborative model of an ‘Instant Highway’.

The workshop is ideal for those interested in Brutalist architecture and how they exist in urban spaces - from interested public to students of art, design and architecture. You will have the opportunity to learn about the architectural group Archigram, and work on a zine that will also be shown on the Czech Centre’s webpage.

A workshop led by Adam Knight & Wiebke Leister, Graduate Diploma of Art & Design, Royal College of Art, London, complementing Highway Mindway, a collaborative exhibition between the RCA & Prague’s Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design at the Czech Centre London.

Maximum 15 participants, 18+'

Equipment/material to bring: 10 images / objects that represent the ideal city connectivity
No previous experience necessary
Admission: £20 (£15 concs.)

For concession tickets (full-time students, income-based benefit/Jobseeker’s Allowance, 65+) please use InstantHighwayCONCS as your promo code on Eventbrite.
Saturday 24th June, 12 – 4 pm (incl. 30 minute break)

Part 1: Introductory talk, walks and gathering of material
Part 2: building and documenting a modular city highway & producing zine

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