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The Art of Rejuvenation -Summer Solstice Celebration. Building together a Botanical Sculpture.

Hope Garden

1: North Kensington

2 Maxilla Walk, London W10 6NQ, UK





@Grenfell Art Relief


Hope Garden is a small paradise planted to provide serenity after the tragedy of Grenfell.
The workshop invites participants to use clay to express their wish for the regeneration of this area.We will build a sculptural planter inspired by vegetation. Participants will also have opportunity to co-design "Botanica", a living ceramic tile wall installation.


Saturday 22.June.2024


During Kensington & Chelsea Art Week (KCAW), Hot Stuff Studio collective will offer several events with partners to officially launch the new art space to the community, and to celebrate the themes of both KCAW ("Changing Landscapes"), and Refugee Art Week ("Home"). You are warmly invited to join this mission to breathe new life into this area with vast potential.

Projects for the period between June 21-24 include:



"Dub Plates" Exhibition / Open Studio: Presentation of new Hot Stuff Studio Collective ceramics, a tribute to Windrush Generation + music soundscape, Friday, June 21st, 5-9pm Hot Stuff Studio Collective is known for its innovative ceramics, and its community work, in particular the creation of tile memorial walls for the victims of the Grenfell tragedy.

The Dub Plates are the result of extensive research of the Art Trio on the influence of Caribbean People enriching and changing the British landscape and weaving their wonderful culture into the fabric of UK.                                British- Polish- Jamaican art trio Leo Law, Paprika Skala , and Herman Williams will present Soundscape installation. Tribute to the dub music and their forefathers Windrush Generation that contributed greatly to the cultural legacy of the Portobello area.                                  

Exhibition will continue until August.


"The Art of Rejuvenation", Summer Solstice Celebration with Ceramic Community Sculpture/Planter  Making, Saturday, June 22, 12-4. Hope Gardens, Maxilla Walk, W10 6NQ. The workshop asks participants to observe the nature and use clay to explore botanical shapes and add them to the collective work. Participants will be prompt to talk about heritage and regeneration of this area. From Frestonia to Notting Dale. Pottery made from local clay has been a part of the Portobello Area for over a century. Participants can also co-design "Botanica", a ceramic tile wall planter sculpture installation for the new space which will express the area's need for life-giving vegetation. Exhibition of works continues until August.


"Republic of Frestonia", Short film screening & reception, Saturday, June 23rd 6pm, Hot Stuff Studio, Stable Way W10 6QX The Republic of Frestonia began as a squatters' protest at the lack of decent affordable housing, and grew into a movement of activists, artists, and the local community, producing its own stamps, newspaper, and inspiring the Clash. "(Frestonia) is as much a reality now as it was then. And the spirit in which it was formed serves as a reminder that, faced with oppression, anything can happen when we work together as a family." (Robb Kerr, filmmaker)




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