Elena Cecchinato | Languages as Images
Robert Frew Ltd
5: South Kensington
8 Thurloe Pl, South Kensington, London SW7 2RX, UK
Robert Frew Ltd is pleased to partner with Elena Cecchinato (for the second time in as many years) to present her exhibition "Languages as Images" exploring the space between the verbal and the visual with an array of original and printed works on paper.
Monday to Friday 10-6
Saturday 11-5
Languages as Images
Both words and drawings, with their signs and meanings, are necessary to space and charge reality. They are both vehicles and mediums to unite and conceive reality, working between the ‘I’ and the world, the interior and the exterior, the knowing and the doing. They allow an opportunity for us not to be subdued by the world, but rather interact with it, transforming it into always new narratives. These works explore the unity that exists in fragmentation and also the inherent reordering that exists between one’s inner experience and the outer reflection. The artworks presented investigate the relationship that exists between the verbal and the visual. We can read images and we can also paint visions with words, yet Writing and Drawing are fundamentally not the same- that would be pure duplication- so how do they differ? What are they not? And where does their ‘Otherness’ intersect?
Elena Cecchinato is a multidisciplinary artist. She works across different mediums, primarily drawing, but also painting, ceramics, automatic writing, print, installation, video and live art. Her work explores the cross narratives existing in the construction of identity, culture, belonging and ‘otherness”, the private and the political by creating a sort of zero degree transition area where individuality and universality coincide.
Cecchinato was born in Venice, Italy. She learned Korean and Chinese painting at Korea University in Seoul before obtaining an MA in History of Art of Africa and Asia from SOAS, University of London. Her work has been shown internationally, as well as In London at the Westbourne Studios, Area 10Ps, and The Rug Factory. She has worked with the Royal Hospital for Integrated Medicine and the Warwick Festival of Literature and Spoken Word. The Museum of Everything has also featured Elena’s works, as part of its Exhibition#2 at Tate Modern. She has shown “Transpadovano” at Palazzo Moroni, Padova (Italy) and ‘Turf’ at Cutlog NY (USA) participated in art residencies at Roundabout.Lx and Olho de Boi both in Lisbon. Most recently she has shown her work in ‘Art in the Age of Now’ and ‘Art on the Underground’ both curated by Artbelow. Her work is collected internationally and is in private and public collections -Padova City Musei Civici (IT), the Museum of Everything (UK), Archive of Modern Conflict (UK), Briganti Library, Siena (IT).